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February Health Initiatives


As we move into the heart of winter, February serves as a reminder to put our health and wellbeing at the forefront.

Join us this month as we reset and refocus by taking steps to ensure you're feeling your best—inside and out.

  1. National Cancer Prevention Month with the American Institute for Cancer Research

  2. Rheumatoid Awareness Day (February 2) with the CDCTrusted Source

  3. World Cancer Day (February 4) with the Union for International Cancer Control

  4. Tinnitus Awareness Week (February 5 to 11) with the American Tinnitus Association

  5. National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (February 7) with the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund

  6. African Heritage and Health Week (February 7 to 13) with Old Ways Cultural Food Traditions

  7. International Epilepsy Day (February 12) with the Epilepsy Foundation

  8. Rare Disease Day (February 29) with multiple organizations



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